7 Dirty Tricks Narcissists Use


1. Image is Everything

One of the primary motivators for narcissistic personalities is the need to control how others see them. Narcissists are obsessed with maintaining a specific persona, and they will go to great lengths to ensure that people perceive them in a way that feeds their ego.

In the case of Elizabeth Holmes, she wanted to be seen as the female Steve Jobs. She adopted his signature black turtlenecks, mimicked his product launch style, and even hired former Apple employees to reinforce this image. While it’s normal for people to emulate their idols, a key indicator of narcissist is their willingness to lie to maintain their persona. For example, Holmes famously altered her voice to sound deeper and more authoritative, only for it to slip back to her natural tone at times when she was fatigued.

2. Bold-Faced Lies Without Flinching

Narcissists and pathological liars have a very different relationship with the truth than most people. While many of us feel discomfort or guilt when telling even small lies, narcissists can lie without hesitation or visible signs of stress. Holmes demonstrated this trait by staging fake blood tests during product demos for investors. These tests never worked, yet she maintained her composure and continued with the charade, fooling even highly intelligent and skeptical individuals.

Narcissists are often so adept at lying that their calm demeanor and confidence can make their lies appear credible. They lack the same feelings of guilt or shame that would deter others from engaging in deceptive behavior.

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