7 Dirty Tricks Narcissists Use


5. Playing the Victim

When confronted with the consequences of their actions, narcissists often resort to playing the victim. This allows them to maintain their carefully crafted image while deflecting responsibility onto others. Holmes, for example, portrayed herself as a misunderstood visionary, claiming that people were attacking her because she was trying to change the world. By framing herself as the victim of unjust criticism, she avoided taking accountability for her fraudulent actions.

This tactic works because it elicits sympathy from others, distracting them from the narcissist’s true motives. It’s a manipulative way to maintain control and continue the deception.

6. Surrounding Themselves with “Yes-Men”

Narcissists tend to isolate themselves from criticism by surrounding themselves with people who agree with them and support their lies. They shut out anyone who questions their narrative and dismiss them as “haters” or “jealous” of their success. Holmes and her partner, Sunny Balwani, were known to fire or ostracize employees who raised concerns about the accuracy of the Theranos tests, labeling them as troublemakers rather than addressing the issues at hand.

By eliminating dissenting voices, narcissists create an echo chamber where their lies go unchallenged, allowing them to continue their manipulative behavior.

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