What Happens When a Narcissist Knows You Figured Them Out?


When does a narcissist realize you’ve figured them out? What happens next when they know you’re aware of their manipulation, gaslighting, and control? Let’s explore what transpires when a narcissist knows you’ve uncovered the truth about their behavior.

The Foundation of Narcissism: Deception and Shame

Narcissism is built on a foundation of deception. At its core, it’s about hiding and avoiding the truth of who they are, what they’ve done, and how they’ve failed to show up in relationships. Narcissists live in a constant state of shame avoidance, trying to conceal their true selves from others. Deception, lies, and gaslighting are repetitive patterns in a relationship with a narcissist.

In many cases, cheating becomes a part of the dynamic. Whether it’s physical or emotional infidelity, the narcissist betrays your trust on some level. Even if the cheating isn’t obvious, they’re still robbing you of something valuable your time, attention, money, or emotional investment.

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