What Happens When a Narcissist Knows You Figured Them Out?


The Fear of Being Found Out

Narcissists dread being exposed. The thought of being truly seen for who they are triggers fear and anxiety. Even those who become self-aware often struggle with denial. At first, a narcissist might privately acknowledge their behavior, but they’ll quickly seek validation from others to prove they aren’t what you suspect. The goal is always to hide from the truth.

The Role of Anger

One of the most common reactions when a narcissist realizes you know is anger. Anger is a quick, easy emotion for a narcissist to tap into because it distracts from the real issue. If they start yelling, you’re likely to back down from holding them accountable. Narcissists use tactics like DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim, and Offender) to shift the blame onto you.

For example, if you confront them about suspicious messages from another woman, they might accuse you of invading their privacy instead of addressing their behavior. This strategy redirects attention away from their wrongdoing and places it squarely on you, leaving you confused and on the defensive.

Related: This is How You Crush A Narcissist Completely

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